Monday, June 29, 2015

Week 11: Chapter 10

Week 11:  Chapter 10

Challenge Review:
Share with your group how you’ve been working on submitting to Christ.  

Prime the Pump:

Read Matthew 25
1.  How have you reflected over Francis' question,  "Is this the most loving way to do life?"
A.   How would your relationships with your family change if you treated them like Christ? Your friends?  Your enemies?
B.  How do the parables in Matthew 25 shape our attitude toward waiting for Christ's return?
C.   What are some actions Matthew 25 lists that tell us how to prepare for his return?
2.  What are some life changes you've made as a result of this study?
Take Spiritual Gifts Assessment
(find 2 people that know you well to fill an assessment evaluating how they see you)
A.   How are you using your spiritual gifts?
Read 2 Corinthians 12:6-10
B.   What's the difference between a spiritual gift and God given natural ability?  Why does knowing the difference matter?
C.  How are you allowing God to grow you through adversity? Are you so comfortable you're no longer growing?
"I remember that if I stop pursuing Christ,  I'm letting our relationship deteriorate.   We never grow closer to God when we just live life; it takes deliberate pursuit and attentiveness. "
3.  What habits are you developing to intentionally pursue Christ?
4.  How do you determine whether you are in the driver's seat or if the Holy Spirit is driving?
Read Jeremiah 32:18-19, Romans 14:10-12
5.  How does knowing that you must give an account of everything you've ever done to God affect your decision making process? What habits will help you maintain a fear of the Lord?

Individual Challenge:

Commit to praying each day this week that God would reveal 1 person who God has placed in your life to invest in and one person who can invest in you.   Contact them this week and schedule a time to meet in the next week.   Set a consistent time to meet to intentionally Challenge each other to grow.

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