Monday, June 29, 2015

Week 10: Chapter 9

Week 10: Chapter 9
Ice Breaker:

Challenge Review:
Share with your group how reading your bible and praying for opportunities to love people better affected your life last week
Prime the Pump:

Read 1 Corinthians 10:23-11:1
1.  What does 1 Corinthians tell us about the purpose of our freedom in Christ and how to use it?
A.   Why does the bible tell us we need to consider other people's consciences when making personal lifestyle decisions?
B.   How does 1 Corinthians shape the way you behave around "church"  friends? Non Christian friends? Followers of Christ?
2.  What elements of your life would you want other people to emulate?
A.   (this is a Rhetorical question in mixed gender groups, can break into gender discussion groups) What parts of your life would you be ashamed about if people were to find out about it? What will help us to no longer be ashamed of the ugly part of ourselves?
B.   What obstacles do you face in surrendering your ugly parts to God?
Read Hebrews 11:1-12, 17-38 (optional)
Read Hebrews 11:13-16, 39-40
3.  What do the characters of Hebrews 11 have in common with the ones found in Chapter 9?
A. What do the testimonies of these people's faith tell you about what you must do to follow Christ?
B.  Which of these testimonies connected with you?  Why?
C.  What keeps  you from being like the people found in Scripture and in Chapter 9?
D.  What is the difference between you and the people in this book?

Individual Challenge:
Take time this week to ask God to reveal an area of your life that you having trouble making Christ Lord/Boss of and write it down.   When you know what God's trying to grow you in commit to spending 5 min each day talking to God about it. (write it out)  Enlist 2-3 people to pray with/for you in this area of your life.

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