Monday, June 29, 2015

Week 4: Chapter 3

Week 4: Chapter 3
Ice Breaker:

Challenge Review:(groups of 2-3)
Share your obituary reflection with your group

Prime the Pump:

Read Matthew 7:7-11
  1. What parts of your experience with your earthly father make it difficult to relate to God as Father?
  1. Who are some people in your life that have helped you understand God as Father and what aspects of God’s character did they help you experience?
Read Isaiah 40:22-24; Jeremiah 31:3
  1. Which aspect of God do you have more trouble relating to, His Love or His Wrath? Why?
Before I left, a friend prayed, ‘God, I know how You’ve wanted this time with Francis...’ Though I didn’t say anything at the time, I secretly thought it was a heretical way to pray and that he was wrong to phrase it that way. I was going to the woods because i wanted more of God.  But He’s God; He certainly wouldn’t want more of me! It seemed demeaning to think that God could long for a human being.  The more I searched the Scriptures, however, the more I realized my friend’s prayer was right on, and that my reaction to his prayer indicated how much I still doubted God’s love.  My belief in God’s love was still theoretical, not a reality I lived out or experienced. “
Read Jeremiah 1:4-10; Matt 28:18-20; Eph 2:10
  1. How do the words of God in Jeremiah and Matthew change the way you see your relationship with God?
  1. How does knowing what God says in Ephesians 2:10 change the way you view the purpose of your life?
  2. How does knowing that God called you out and had a plan for you before you were born affect the way you feel about obeying God’s commands? Do God’s commands look different with this newfound knowledge?
  3. How does Matt 28:18-20 and God’s words in Jeremiah 1 affect the way you view God’s command to be His witnesses?
“Imagine how awful it would feel to have your child say to you, “I don’t really love you or want your love, but I would like my allowance, please.” Conversely, what a beautiful gift it is to have the one you love look you in the eye and say, “I love you.  Not your beauty, your money, your family, or your car. Just you.”
  1. When you reflect on the way you interact with God in prayer can you say that love God just for being Him and not just for what you think you can get from Him?
  1. What are some practices you can cultivate that will help you love God just for who He is and not for what He can do for you?

Every day this week write down 3 things you can thank Him for.  Also write down 3 things you can praise God for that reflect who He is and not what He’s done.

1 comment:

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